home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1000 Validating Credit Card ...
- 1001 Retrieving Proxy Server Information ...
- 1002 Connecting to server ...
- 1003 Sending request to server ...
- 1004 Retrieving response from server ...
- 1300 accept
- 1301 bind
- 1302 closesocket
- 1303 connect
- 1304 ioctlsocket
- 1305 getpeername
- 1306 getsockname
- 1307 getsockopt
- 1308 htonl
- 1309 htons
- 1310 inet_addr
- 1311 inet_ntoa
- 1312 listen
- 1313 ntohl
- 1314 ntohs
- 1315 recv
- 1316 recvfrom
- 1317 select
- 1318 send
- 1319 sendto
- 1320 setsockopt
- 1321 socket
- 1322 gethostbyaddr
- 1323 gethostbyname
- 1324 gethostname
- 1325 getservbyport
- 1326 getservbyname
- 1327 getprotobynumber
- 1328 getprotobyname
- 1329 WSAStartup
- 1330 WSACleanup
- 1331 WSASetLastError
- 1332 WSAGetLastError
- 1333 WSAIsBlocking
- 1334 WSAUnhookBlockingHook
- 1335 WSASetBlockingHook
- 1336 WSACancelBlockingCall
- 1337 WSAAsyncGetServByName
- 1338 WSAAsyncGetServByPort
- 1339 WSAAsyncGetProtoByName
- 1340 WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber
- 1341 WSAAsyncGetHostByName
- 1342 WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
- 1343 WSACancelAsyncRequest
- 1344 WSAAsyncSelect
- 2201 American Express
- 2202 VISA
- 2203 Mastercard
- 2300 http://%s?%s
- 2305 PRICE=
- 2306 UNLOCK=
- 2307 TAX=
- 2308 TOTAL=
- 2309 ERROR=
- 2402 fname=%s
- 2403 lname=%s
- 2404 address1=%s
- 2405 city=%s
- 2406 state=%2.2s
- 2407 zip=%s
- 2408 country=%2.2s
- 2409 phone1=%s
- 2410 email=%s
- 2420 cc_type=%s
- 2421 cc_expmonth=%s
- 2422 cc_expyear=%s
- 2424 cc_name=%s
- 2425 cc_number=%s
- 2428 price=%s
- 2429 phone2=%s
- 2430 phone3=%s
- 2431 product=%s
- 2432 purchase=%s
- 2433 promo=%s
- 2434 flag=%s
- 2435 language=%s
- 5601 POST %s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5602 POST /%s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5603 User-Agent: TLC Registration\nAccept: */*\n
- 5604 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\nContent-Length: %d\n
- 5605 GET %s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5606 GET /%s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5607 last-modified:
- 5608 cp-unregister:
- 5609 content-length:
- 5610 cp-message:
- 5611 cp-upgrade:
- 5612 cp-filename:
- 5614 http://%s/filedown/%s
- 5615 filedown/%s
- 5620 HEAD %s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5621 HEAD /%s HTTP/1.0\n
- 5622 \n
- 5625 http://%s/%s/
- 5626 cp-filedate:
- 5627 %s/
- 5628 Bug Report Accepted
- 5629 Site Accepted
- 5630 Error
- 5631 Error: Duplicate Registration
- 5632 Hardware Accepted
- 5633 Duplicate Registration
- 5634 EMAIL=
- 5635 http://%s/